
CMPA HOME Messages

Announcement of the communist (Maoist) Party of Afghanistan on Occasion of death of comrade Zahir head of the basic unit ……. of 7th Qaus reginal committee.

Dear Comrades,

With deep sorrow, the Central Committee of the Communist (Maoist) Party of Afghanistan (CC-C(M)PA) informs all cadres, members, and supporters of the C(M)PA, both inside and outside the country, as well as fellow Afghanistan Maoists and Maoist parties and organizations worldwide, of the passing of Comrade Zahir, head of the basic unit in the 7th Qaus regional committee.

Comrade Zahir, aged 63, departed from us on November 7, 2023. Though he may no longer be physically present, his memory will endure eternally among party members and fellow revolutionaries who had the privilege of knowing him.

Comrade Zahir, an active and valiant member of the C(M)PA, assumed leadership of the basic unit in the 7th Qaus regional committee following the passing of Comrade Ghasemi. Until a month ago, when he was struck by liver disease, he diligently carried out his responsibilities. Even during his illness, Comrade Zahir did not waver in fulfilling his revolutionary duties. In the days preceding his passing, he handed over party documents to responsible comrades, providing a comprehensive and timely report on the progress of his duties.

Born in 1960 into a hardworking peasant family, Comrade Zahir successfully completed elementary, intermediate, and high school education. In 1978, after passing the national entrance exam, he entered the Faculty of Economics at Kabul University.

Comrade Zahir actively participated in the new democratic movement within Kabul University in 1978-1979. He joined the Afghan People’s Liberation Organization (APLO) in 1979, later merging with the Afghanistan Liberation Organization. However, the ideological and political positions of these organizations did not align with his revolutionary thirst and principled spirit. In 2012, he found his ideological home in the C(M)PA, tirelessly advancing through the ranks with revolutionary zeal and integrity until the end of his life. Comrade Zahir never abandoned his people, living among them and ultimately passing away among them.

Comrades, let us transform the sorrow of Comrade Zahir’s departure into a force for continued struggle, ensuring his memory endures as a symbol of Maoist revolution.

Our heartfelt condolences go out to all his comrades, family members, and friends.

In solidarity,

Central Committee, Communist (Maoist) Party of Afghanistan (CC-C(M)PA)

November 10, 2023

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